Our Doctors

E.D. Ecem Mısırlıoğlu




Expert Dietician Penbe Ecem MISIRLIOĞLU,
I was born in 1995 in Istanbul. I completed my education at Cihat Kora Anatolian High School between 2009-2014.
In 2018, I graduated from Bahçeşehir University.
In 2021, I completed my master’s degree in Dokuz Eylül University Public Health Department.
Since 2021, I have been continuing my doctoral education in Başkent University Nutrition and Dietetics department.
I attended seminars on maternal and child nutrition, sports nutrition, nutrition in oncology. I attended KEPAN Courses. I received the Good Clinical Practices Certificate and Food Safety Management Systems Certificate. I have written reviews and conference papers in the field of nutrition and dietetics.
During the education period, I completed my internships at Private Clinic, Medikal Park Göztepe-Istanbul Hospital. I also completed my summer internship in the Department of Sports and Health Management at Munich Technical University (2016). I completed my summer internship in Public Health at Heidelberg University (2017).
In 2018, I worked as a project dietitian at Acıbadem Mobil Health
In 2019, I worked as a dietitian at Kordon Obesity Centre-/Izmir on bariatric surgery.
Between 2021-2023, I worked in the paediatric oncology and neurology departments of FARMAKON Research Development Training and Consultancy Company as a research dietician in the R&D Nutritional Compliance project of NUTRICIA company.
Since February 2024, I have been working at Alfa Medical Centre.


Cancer Cachexia and Nutrition (Archive Resource Screening Journal-Compilation) March 2023

Upper Mid Arm Circumference Measurement as a Single Data Point in Defining Paediatric Malnutrition: Single Centre (EÜTF) Effectiveness in Paediatric Neurology Patient Sample May 2023

5th International 23rd National Public Health Congress (Online) 13/12/2021- 18/12/2021 ‘The Relationship of Eating Awareness with Nutritional Status and Obesity in 6th Grade Students of Faculty of Medicine’ (Oral Presentation)
