Our Doctors

Spec. Dr. Erdem Adalıoğlu

Child Health and Diseases



He was born on 25 January 1967 in Ödemiş – İzmir.
After completing his primary, secondary and high school education in Ödemiş, he graduated from TUBITAK
first place in chemistry and third place in mathematics in scientific research exams
award, after which he enrolled in Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, where he studied for a year.
He studied medicine for 7 years, including English Preparatory Programme.
Afterwards, he passed the Medical Speciality Examination and completed his medical education between 1992 and 1997.
He worked in Izmir Dr Behçet Uz Children’s Hospital and completed his specialisation.
Between 1997 and 1998, he worked in a private hospital in Muğla.
Between 1998 and 2013, Afyonkarahisar Maternity and Children’s Hospital, especially in the neonatal service
active on-call in all paediatric wards and outpatient departments, including paediatric infection and emergency departments
Since 2010, he has played a role in the establishment of the children’s department of Afyonkarahisar Home Health Services,
He travelled to the villages of that region and served with his team.
In 2013, he continued his work first in Tire State Hospital and then in private hospitals in Izmir.
She is currently working at Alfa Medical Centre.
All paediatric diseases, especially paediatric lung diseases, and healthy infant and child follow-ups, at the polyclinic level,
continues as outpatient follow-up and treatment.

Member Organisations
*European Respiratory Society (ERS)
*Turkish Respiratory Society (TÜSAD), (member of Paediatric Chest Coordination Board, member of Asthma and Allergy Working Group)
*Paediatric Chest Diseases Association
*Turkish Thoracic Society, (member of Paediatric Chest Diseases Group)
*Turkish Paediatric Society
*Medscape Pediatrics
*National Paediatric Association of Turkey
*PUADER (Paediatric Speciality Academy Association)
*Social Paediatrics Association
*Paediatrics Workshop
*The Journal of Pediatrics
*The Royal Society of Medicine
*European Paediatric Neurology Society

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9927-2513

Precision Medicine and Paediatric Epilepsy, Arch Epilepsy 2022; 28: 48-52
